영어 공부/라이브 아카데미

올해 딱히 한것 없을때 영어로 정리하기

윤도ri 2021. 12. 16. 19:49

Q.How did things go for you this year? 

  Did you do everything you wanted to do?


A.Well, there's not much to say. really. Other than the fact that it's been another rough year with the pandemic for everyone, not a lot has happened. For me, it's pretty much the same every year. I start off the year full of ambition and goals but with not a lot of follow-through and just end up with a lot of .. you know I wish I had done more of this and less of that .But, I try not to be too hard on myself. I found it harder to motivate myself when I think too much about things I haven't done so well or things I could've done better. 


* I wish I had done more of this and less of that = I regret that

* I try not to be too hard on myself 나 너무 자책하지 않으려고 해 


